Adults 18 Policy (A18)

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Adults 18 Policy (A18)

Adults 18 Policy (A18)

Based on Section 1466A of Title 18, United State Code,  This statute offers an alternative 2-pronged test for obscenity with a lower threshold than the Miller test.  The matter involving minors can be deemed obscene if it ... (ii) if the image lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.  

   There are also laws to protect children from obscene or harmful material on the Internet.  For one, federal law prohibits the use of misleading domain names, words, or digital images on the Internet with intent to deceive a minor into viewing harmful or obscene material (See  18 U.S.C. §§ 2252B, 2252C).   It is illegal to knowingly use interactive computer services to display obscenity in a manner that makes it available to a minor less than 18 years of age (See 47 U.S.C. § 223(d) –Communications Decency Act of 1996, as amended by the PROTECT Act of 2003).
It is also illegal to knowingly make a commercial communication via the Internet that includes obscenity and is available to any minor less than 17 years of age (See 47 U.S.C. § 231 –Child Online Protection Act of 1998).

The standard of what is harmful to minors may differ from the standard applied to adults.  Harmful materials for minors include any communication consisting of nudity, sex or excretion that (i) appeals to the prurient interest of minors, (ii) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable material for minors, (iii) and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors.
 Vicious Answered Questions
Are you aware of the age policy implemented by Vice City Shops? Let's delve into the details of how Vice City Shops restricts access to adult content and merchandise for minors under the legal age in the United States.


Why does Vice City Shops have an age policy?

Vice City Shops, like many retailers, abides by regulations set forth in the United States to prevent minors from accessing adult content and merchandise. This policy is in place to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to promote responsible consumption.

What is considered adult content and merchandise?

Adult content and merchandise typically include products that are age-restricted due to their mature nature. This can range from explicit material such as adult videos and magazines to products like tobacco, alcohol, and certain video games rated for mature audiences.


How does Vice City Shops verify age?

Vice City Shops may use various methods to verify the age of customers, such as requesting identification with a valid date of birth. This helps ensure that only individuals of legal age can access and purchase adult content and merchandise.


What are the consequences of violating the age policy?

Individuals who attempt to circumvent the age policy at Vice City Shops may face consequences such as being denied access to certain products or services. Additionally, violating age restrictions on adult content and merchandise can result in legal repercussions for both the customer and the retailer.


How can parents support the age policy at Vice City Shops?

Parents play a crucial role in enforcing age restrictions and educating their children about responsible consumption. By discussing the importance of following age policies and monitoring their children's online and offline activities, parents can help prevent minors from accessing inappropriate content.
It's essential for both retailers and consumers to understand and respect age policies regarding adult content and merchandise. By upholding these regulations, Vice City Shops aims to create a safe and compliant shopping environment for all customers.
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